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  • Writer's pictureRocco Longo


Here we are. Finally Moeeda. This is a milestone for the ESG world. This blog aspires to become the leading online ESG platform. The journey is long, but together we can create a more sustainable, equitable and peaceful world.

First of all, ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. Often it is indicated through a score. It could be thought of as the “sustainability rating”. For many of you, it is well known the credit rating (i.e. AAA by Standard & Poor’s), the measure of the creditworthiness of a borrower (i.e. company) - how likely a borrower pays its debt back. Well, the ESG score says how the company is committed to respecting all its stakeholders under the E, S and G.

The word ESG is often (maybe only) associated with investing purposes. Moeeda will be the link for the adoption and integration of ESG in our everyday life. Any business and investor has an impact. That’s a fact. Can you imagine knowing the impact of every penny we spend? Only by making informed decisions, we can improve our staying on this ever-changing planet.

From the beginning, when I started to share the project with some of you, I was really surprised how the word ESG was very unpopular outside the finance world. For that reason, an educational corner has been created to let everybody know the key metrics used to assess the impact of each actor in this world.

ESG is definitely not a buzzword. Everybody should base every decision taking into account such ESG principles. Moeeda will help you in this by promoting only products from sustainable companies that are committed and focused on the planet, diversity and robust corporate governance; reporting the latest news and hot topics on ESG themes, and redirecting you to sustainable shopping with a positive impact. Welcome and stay tuned!


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