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Welcome to Moeeda, the first "fully sustainable" platform. First of all we should introduce to all of you our main goal. It could be summarised with two words: positive impact. This can be viewed from many angles and lenses. Moeeda was born to cover all of them. Introducing to its community an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) footprint for sustainable living, to maximise the life experience. 

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Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Where does the name come from? Well, let’s start with a question. How many times in your life have you stood in front of a vending machine looking for the right product to purchase, but not completely satisfied due to the poor quality offering. That was our case. We thought that a platform like Moeeda was needed, reshaping the offering of a classic vending machine and providing something different and sustainable for the ever-growing ESG community. Since the beginning, we thought that we deserve only products from companies that are committed and focused on the planet, diversity and robust corporate governance. Mooeda is the keyword for fighting pressing problems such as climate change and inequality.

We strongly believe that, before any purchase, it is important to be informed regarding any company’s impact on air, land, water, ecosystems, pollution, humans, animals, and so on. We are all stakeholders on this earth. Humankind’s actions are destroying the Earth. It is important to act, quickly, to stop this process as long as supporting equality lets people achieve the same goals. Periodically Moeeda sponsors a general selection of products aligned with ESG needs and favourites; reports the latest news and hot topics on ESG themes; and redirects you to sustainable shopping for a positive impact and a better future.

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